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Elementals are hidden in plain sight.
They're ordinary people with ordinary jobs...

EXCEPT that they can each manipulate one of the Elements of Earth, and travel around taming the weather.

independently made and published graphic novel series

reader reviews

Absolutely love this series! Wonderful art, truly lovable and interesting characters with thorough development and growth and a really fascinating magic system. You genuinely get the sense that Shanon is quite well versed in meteorology and has done more than a fair share of research to write this book, bringing incredible enthusiasm to descriptions of weather patterns and formations. Always impressive and always looking forward to reading more!

CJ Wacker
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It's a neat little adventure about three storm chasers know as the elements that can manipulate the weather. It's obvious that an amazing amount of work went into this from cover to cover and every page. The author should be extremely proud of the end result. This could become an animated movie or serial if it winds up in the right hands. Well done!

S. C.
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speed summary
(2022) 1:24

in-depth summary
(2023) 9:14

Copyright 2023. Shanon Mary McNeil

weather bound comics logo design gold storm chasing elementals mother nature graphic novel series aiden raidenson layla guthrie aaron oriole

Copyright 2023. Shanon Mary McNeil

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